Single Vision Lenses Lined Trifocal Lenses
Low Index (Plastic)…..$50 Low Index (Plastic)…..$115
Mid Index (Polycarbonate)…..$110 Mid Index (Polycarbonate)…..$155
Hi Index (1.6)…..$150 Hi Index (1.6)…..Not Available
Lined Bifocal Lenses No-line Progressive Lenses
Low Index (Plastic) …..$95 Low Index Varilux (Plastic)..…$185
Mid Index (Polycarbonate)…..$135 Mid Index Varilux (Polycarbonate)..…$220
Hi Index (1.6)…. $175 Hi Index Varilux (1.67)..…$260
ü All of our lens prices are for a pair of lenses and include a scratch coating.
ü We proudly specialize in Essilor lens products known for superior vision. We do not sell the low quality lenses found at many discount stores
because these lenses typically have greater peripheral distortion, making vision less crisp and your adjustment more difficult.
ü Our no-line brand of progressive lens is Essilor’s Varilux Comfort II and Essilor’s Varilux Comfort 2 Short. Both products are known for
their superior optics, minimal distortion and easy adaptation. The Varilux Comfort 2 is designed for frames that have ample vertical height
and will be placed in all no-line products that have an optical center fitting height of 18 mm or more. The Comfort 2 Short is specifically
designed to accommodate frames with a shorter vertical fitting height and this lens will be used for all no-line progressive lens purchases
where the vertical fitting height is 17.5 mm or less. (See our educational notes on bifocal measurements located under the lens education menu
tab above for more information).